Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Cross-Country Tarot Reading that Freaked Me The Hell Out Because It Was Too Damned Accurate

 (This is a tandem, collaborative post: The other half is over on Liz Emrich's blog. My reaction to her full reading is below this original background post, after the double-divider.)


Cards from the Rider-Waite Deck--The "Original" Tarot
I Went Through A Witchy Period  And All I Have Left Are These Nine Tarot Decks...
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a college-aged woman with post-Christian feminist friends is in want of a coven.
In 1988, I found one.
After schlumping, disgustedly, out of my dark-ages-throwback childhood Catholic parish for the last time, I didn't exactly feel a spiritual void. But I was still (relatively) open to the notion that there may be Something Out There, somewhere, somehow engaged in the the workings of billions and billions of human lives.  
I was certain to the bone that the literal "father" notion of "God" I'd been taught in Catholic school doesn't exist: It makes no sense that an omniscient, omnipotent force would act like an angry drunk half the time, through threats and intimidation and damnings-to-death-eternal. I couldn't believe in the existence of, let alone worship, such a dysfunctional idea. 
But might there be, out there, something not-so-personal (and not so deranged and obviously based on human nomadic tribal patriarchs)? Something natural? Something like The Force? A Ben Kenobi-style We-are-all-cosmic-dust-and-subject-to-more-laws-of-nature-than-we-know-of kind of way? 

The Zerner-Farber Tarot: Each image is actually a photo of a handwoven tapestry

I'd messed around with Ouija boards in high school (and always felt my friends tugging the little pointer thingy around to "prove" that Unattainable Gorgeous Boy did, in fact, secretly have a crush on one of them--not the most mystical experience). Beyond that, I didn't think much about "spirituality" in my teen years.
By the mid-college, though--fresh out of my first life-shattering breakup (the kind that makes you cry yourself dry and sink into a dark bedroom for months at a time) I found myself looking for reassurance, comfort, some notion that the current, transient pain was part of A Greater Plan. (Which, when it comes right down to it, is sort of what I conceive of as the "religious impulse"--a burning desire for things that hurt to make sense--not to be random, cruel, chance, meaningless.)
I started acquiring books on astrology (real, ephemeris-and-Dalton's-Table-of-Houses-based natal astrology--not mushy newspaper sun-sign stuff). I cast birthcharts for all my friends (hand-drawn and illustrated). Friends recommended other books.
I branched off into reading about Wicca--some beginning texts were Scott Cunningham's Wicca for the Solo Practitioner and Marion Weinstein's Positive Magic. I very much appreciated the underlying philosophy that sees humans as a part of nature, not separate from it; it made sense to me in a visceral way. The balance of masculine and feminine in the traditions was another appeal--the notion that we are, and need, both male and female, yin and yang, in equal proportions, to live life fully.
In the context of exploring Wicca more deeply, I picked up my first Rider-Waite tarot deck and a book on how to read the cards.  
And then somehow, I fell in with friends-of-friends who actually had a small, functioning, active coven.

Cards from the Voyager Deck (my second-favorite deck)
The coven's rituals were warm, upbeat, positive, beautiful. While a couple of the girls privately expressed suspicion that a couple of the guys in the coven were hoping for a whole lot more "skyclad" action than we engaged in (i.e., none at all), for the most part I remember the coven members as warm, generous individuals with enough extra love to give that it sloshed all over everybody around them.
Before rituals, we cooked a lot. Food was central to the collective experience. Crescent almond cookies were one of my favorites for moon celebrations. (I suppose I've retained that part of the coven period--cooking for people I love remains one of the greatest pleasures in life to me.)
We worked only at positive magic--nothing even mildly suspect. Prosperity, love, renewal, strength spells. We lit candles and incense; we chanted; we held hands; we drank wine; when we broke the circle and drank a lot more wine. And we danced.
One glorious midsummer midnight (or was it Samhain?) we gathered in a local public park. We celebrated that shortest night by joining hands and playing--first skipping, then jogging, then running in a connected circle, the way small children do--gripping each other's fingers for dear life as we "raised power," spinning clockwise, faster and faster, until we felt it was time to break apart and we let go simultaneously, tumbling backwards onto the cool, damp grass, dizzy and laughing until we were breathless.
That night remains a favorite memory.

The Bosch Tarot (as in Heironymus)
I played with the coven for perhaps a year.
And then, as I inevitably do with all organized spiritual collectives, I lost the motivation that drove me to actually leave the house at specifically appointed times. I don't particularly Do Spiritual Stuff on a schedule.
So my official witchy period was over, but I still spent plenty of hours hunkered down on the beds, laying out cards. Trying to figure out where my life was going. What choices I should be making. What directions I should be seeking. (Even occasionally returning to that perennial High School favorite: "Do X and I have a romantic future?" The answer was generally "No.")
I was never particularly good with the cards. They didn't "speak to me"  the way they do with some people. Gleaning meaning from a spread was always a sketchy business, and I read only for myself. But I loved--still do, actually--the imagery, the poetics beneath the surface of each card, the details, the questions each image could raise (new ones every time). The way I could meditate on a card and construct a narrative around it. In that way, I suppose, individual cards did "speak to me."
But full readings? Ouch. Give me a book and a couple of hours and I might stumble into something halfway helpful...but usually not.

The Witches Tarot: My Favorite Deck, By Far
I bring all this up because most of the accoutrements of my Witchy Period are long gone now. The astrology books and Wicca tomes got offloaded to a local occult bookstore many years ago. I still have my cauldron and its various effects (the knife, the pentacle, the cup, a few candle stubs, a bunch of stones), but they're sitting next to the fireplace and haven't been visited in a forever.
The tarot decks also remain with me. They've been my companions through (counting on fingers) 23 years, 12 homes, ~6 serious romantic entanglements, 2 marriages. They're some of my oldest friends.
I have nine decks. Some were whimsical purchases, others more considered. (The Lord of the Rings deck seemed like a good idea...until I realized that keeping straight all of Tolkein's characters was going to be much harder than the old familiar Rider-Waite cast.)
Until last weekend, I hadn't really thought about my decks in years.

I was inspired last weekend to haul the decks out of the closet where they've been resting in a wooden jewelry box, neglected, each deck wrapped in a silk scarf.
The inspiration was talking to our own Liz (Georges) Emrich (thanks for the call, Pretend Farmer (Lauren Dillon)!). Liz is somebody who does have the knack, the insight, the knowledge and the ability to tap into whatever subconscious mechanisms there are that make a good card reader.
  • Do I believe tarot cards are some kind of mystical conduit to The Universal Font of Knowledge And Wisdom? Not really. 2020: OH hElL yEs
  • Do I still believe in Something Supernatural out there? Not really. 2020: hAHAHAhAHHAhAH
  • Do I have any sort of "faith" or "spirituality" at all? Not really. (When pressed to place myself on the atheist--------agnostic spectrum, I come out on the atheist side, at least in terms of a "god" personified with human urges, emotions, and qualities). 2020: To quote Miss Driscoll, SHS: "Define Your Terms." I believe in reality. If reality includes things "rational" people call "spirituality" then I believe in that, I guess.
  • Do I believe there's potential value in tarot card reading? Perhaps surprisingly, yes.  I do believe in the power of storytelling--of myth, symbols, and imagery--and that's what cards do. They construct a story, from a finite set of elements. Some people are better than others at deciphering the stories and gleaning applicable meaning from them, that's all. 
So, I asked Liz if we might do a tag-team post.
  • I would haul out my decks for the first time in a forever, do a spread and send a photo of it to her.
  • She, with no prompting from me (no specific question to answer, nothing to guide her or noodge her) would read that spread in an OS post, explaining exactly what the cards are telling her--how and why she perceives and concludes what she does from the cards and their relative positions to each other.
I sent her the spread photo Wednesday morning. She sent me back her "preliminary impression" Wednesday afternoon.
I replied, "Holy CRAP, Liz. No wonder you get paid to do this."
Stay tuned for her full reading/teaching/explanation.
Afterwards, I'll chime back in with a few final reflections.

Verbal Reacts
In the spirit of Cartouche's recent post "What was she thinking?" I've summed up my own internal monologue as I read Liz's interpretation of the spread.   
Check. Check. Yep. Uh-Huh. Oh, hell yes; you just said a mouthful. Ouch. Have you been reading my diary? (Oh, wait, I don't have a diary)...Well, no, actually that's not quite accurate but I can see where it came from...Yeah...well, that's good to know...Eeeeep...Triple EEEP...[sigh] Yeah, isn't that always the way?
And then I hit this line: "The reason this is such a problem for her is largely because she can’t seem to get her brain to shut up." 
Get out of my head, Emrich. You kinda scare me.
What Liz did with that tarot spread is something I could not have done with a thousand intensive hours of additional reading and study. I could look at the same cards in the same array and never, ever piece it all together the way she did.
  • Did the reading tell me anything I didn't already know? At some level? Not really.
  • Did it rub my nose in some things I'd been trying to deny or ignore or futilely wish into nonexistence? Oh, yes.
  • Am I OK with having done this little experiment? Difficult to say. Then again, I'm probably overthinking...
  • Would I pay Liz to read my cards?
Whatever her method or approach to reading may be, it's obvious to me as a recovering Witchy-Poo that Liz also has a sizeable intuitive gift (as Bob Eckstein mentioned in comments, she could probably be a very good psychologist. Idle thought: I wonder if any psychologists use the tarot in their practice? Hm. Probably not. I'm being silly. Where was I again? Oh, yeah, that's right; concluding this experiment. Distractedly. Always, always distractedly.)




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First! (I hope.) Now off to read...
Did I mention how much I LURVE that first line about the coven?
*blush* I love stuff like this (and I still don't believe/disbelieve in any gods) I read a dictionary instead- anyone want me to pull a word for them? ...not nearly as exciting I know, but probably as accurate

The Zerner-Farber Tarot- never seen that one before Verbal, and I must go find it and buy it
Cool post VR. I think you are right that the power of myth (Joseph Campbell nod) and the power of symbols are important and meaningful. Interesting stuff, and interesting story.

On another note, I'm glad you didn't put a vid of The Eagles "Whichy Woman" on here.
I would have had to pick on you then ; )
This should be VERY INTERESTING. I love tarot. Just started doing my own readings. I like the round deck, Mother Peace.
What a great post - I love the symbolism of the tarot also. We used tarot cards as a meditative tool in a spiritual ceremony that I recently attended. Are the images you posted from cards in your own decks? They are beautiful. Regarding your reading - talk about making yourself vulnerable! Rated!
I always knew YOU were a witchy woman but I gotta tell you, Liz is now the scariest woman I know. In a good way.
I had no idea there were so many different tarot decks. Off to Liz's to see what she uncovered about you. :)
Very interesting...I had just spent an hour trying to find my tarot book on old disks and then came back here to check on OS.

If anyone's interested, I have a very simple tarot system and sometimes do a workshop (which I was getting the book out for) called Tarot in Ten Minutes. Which I did as an antidote to all the complicated systems out there - and also as an antidote to the use-your-intuition approach (you need something solid on which to base intuition, IMO).
OOh, I'm intrigued - and inspired to dig out my decks as well. I only have two - the classic, and a beautiful reproduction of an antique Italian deck I bought down a tiny winding side street in Rome.

SO waiting for the follow-up.
I have some Tarot cards, but I fear I'm not good with them (though 'they' say you aren't as good with yourself as you are with others)....
This is legitimately exciting! I’m on my way over to Liz’s.

And BTW – I’m not sure anyone could have written better and more understandably (not to mention efficiently) about the history and causes of their religious/spiritual beliefs (or lack thereof).
I have my own Rider deck which I've been hauling around for almost forty years, though I haven't actually read it more than half a dozen times in the last two decades. Risa uses the Motherpeace deck, of all the ones I've seen I think its images are the most evocative

Now I've got to run over and check out Liz's reading
So, I spawned a "witchy", evil woman? Go figure. I read my daily tarot too, usually for the yuks, though sometimes the cards fall uncannily true in reference to current circumstance. Love you, girl. Off to Pretend Farmer.
Liz, that line? I only steal from the best. :-)

Julie, you can order it from Amazon. Easy peasy.

MJ--don't think I wasn't TEMPTED to insert the Eagles. :-P

CBerg, I had a MotherPeace deck but found it just a tad bit too gender-unbalanced for my tastes. I found it a good home, though.

Shivaun, no, the sample deck images are all Googled. And I did have my doubts about going forward with this...but I figured, what the hell.

Isn't she just, 'touche?

Lisa, there are probably literally HUNDREDS of decks available--this is but the merest of samples.

Myriad, can you blog about your Ten Minutes system?

Delia, I'd heard that too (that readings for others are much easier than readings for self) but I find readings in general are basically beyond me.

David, thanks for the visit and the compliment. :-)
Hey daughter, did I scare you? ;-)
ELO-Evil Woman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R20f-TPKjzc
Something is majorly wrong with "people search" OS function...white screen only. I'll catch PF's blog in the morning (hopefully)
Damn, Verbal. When you investigate a topic, you go all the way, leaving no stone (or card) unturned. Bet you got your thoroughness from the Jesuits in Catholic School. Just a guess.
You continue to educate me and I appreciate it. Never had a reading before and after reading this, I doubt that I ever will. ;-)
Francisans and Dominicans, Steve. :-)
Just read Liz's. Fascinating posts between the two of you...and I've learned so much from both. Between you and Liz, it's hard to not be intrigued by all of this. Thanks for the vulnerability and willingness to share.
May the Force be with you. rated.
cool, she said, adding, wish someone would do *me*
put them in my basket, and threw in an old favorite as well: Russian Gypsy 
If you ever want to try a different type of cards, I went through 3 sets of these in college :)
oh Larry, lighten up, it's all in fun, and whatever knocks you out of an obsessive loop is a good thing- eh?
I love my Tarot cards, especially the ones I got from France. I don't believe stuff, but I think they can be evocative, helping a person find answers by looking inside and making connections and recognizing relationships between apparently disconnected facts.
I always hate to go to work on Monday but today....
I don't have time to finish reading...I'll be back but just wanted to say that my view of religion is close to the same as yours.
Can't wait to read Liz's response.
I read you first...so now I am back to say, good choice of readers!

I'll be looking forward to see how it applies, or whatever you care to share.
Just read Liz's reading. Here is part of my comment. "I have been receiving "vibes" for some time. This is astounding. You really nailed the complex fusion of her astute intellect and authentic heart, that in my opinion, often pull at her psyche with equal weight." Love you, daughter...every twist and turn and aspect of you...
Interesting! I know next to nothing about tarot, but I like to look at the pictures. (Okay, I know enough to recognize tarot-relevant material in the cheesy horror movies I favor.)

That said, my wife and I have two or three decks. Way back when, we used to travel around in Europe quite a bit. And we played cards. So it was only natural that when we were thinking, "What would make a good lightweight souvenir to take home from this place?" we settled on playing cards. In a couple of places, it turned out to be more convenient to pick up a tarot deck rather than an ordinary one, and so we have a few stacked up on the back corner of a closet shelf, somewhere. Before anyone asks, "Are they interesting and exotic?" I'll answer, "No, they are not." What we've most often seen with foreign cards, tarot or otherwise, is a perfectly familiar deck marked with non-English text. Oh, well.
Interesting. Off to read Liz.
Interesting post and cool to see two of my favorite OSers pool their powers.

Yes, Liz is great and gave me a Tarot card reading that echoes in my mind as it involves a life changing decision my wife and I are addressing–the cards suggested I seriously consider moving.
Rated for nine decks!
I really enjoyed reading your spiritual history! I've had my own quite different wanderings, but with the same tug inside, perhaps, seeking truth and community.
This is way cool! I've always been curious as to what a card reading would be like - now to rush over to Liz's page!
Okay, so first a disclaimer: Jewish girls don't typically do Tarot. We've got the Kabbalah after all, which can take a lifetime to interpret. This exercise, however, has been fascinating and enlightening and I'm looking forward to more. Especially because I have a bit of the witchy in me too. (But why doesn't that surprise us?)
Very cool! I used to read Tarot cards too! Exciting and intuitive read - nice! rated.
Appreciate the update with your reactions! I was very curious about those.
""The reason this is such a problem for her is largely because she can’t seem to get her brain to shut up." That one got to me as well.
Genetic, genetic and... genetic!
I will PM a poem to you in a few, to punctuate that conviction.
You are one brave girl! ...one more reason to love you.
hyblaean- Julie - those Russian Gypsy cards are cool! never seen them before
What a kick to see how many OSers have Tarot cards!
My grandfather gave me a deck when I was in high school. I never asked why he gave them to me and I never used them.
In my 20s I had a friend who did readings and always got a kick from it.
Living by the boardwalk (with many palm and tarot readers) I got sort of interested again.
So my son, at the age of 7 or 8, made some cards. They are very interesting.
I love the storytelling of it. And the reader is telling YOUR story--just like those books that people buy with their kids names in them as the main character. Of course the cards have the added element of synchronicity--and those beautiful pictures! There are so many pretty decks.
Thanks! That was fun. Good luck on your project Verbal!
I struggle with this sort of thing. That is to say, I struggle to restrain my initial impulse to dismiss. Your post makes a little more sense to me than Liz's, but I think that's because you've inserted a whole lot more iffy into it.

When you talk about positive spells (the coven thing), is that just like wishing for stuff real hard? I'm serious; I'm really asking. Is it The Secret in a different package? (My roommate and I in college used to seek out those contests in magazines where the prize was a trip to Hawaii, and I remember us specifically telling each other that no one else could possibly want it as much as we did, so we should win. But I'm not sure we thought that our wishing would make it so we would win).

On the tarot thing, I totally get what you're saying about the power of story telling and myths and so on. I think it's all good, too. I think it's true that we all need reminders, quick kicks in pants, pushes, etc., to organize our lives, to set goals, to look at the big picture, to act rather than act. To make choices rather than passively let things happen to us. But I still don't get how the cards fit in. It all felt very subjective to me. And Liz's final reading felt fairly universal. I hope I don't sound to negative--I have been wrong in the most profound ways, so I'm open to new thinking. But I honestly don't get it. I think if it was all done in fun, that would be one thing. But paying people for it suggests something else entirely. Unless it feels more like therapy in some way? Somehow that feels more acceptable to me.

(I left a comment on Liz's blog too. If neither of you feels obliged to explain any of this further, that's perfectly fine with me:)
to ACT rather than REact.
TOO negative. (Sheesh. Sorry. Just delete the whole mess if you feel like it.)
I loved the deck in pic in Liz's post- it's so pretty! Back when I used to read, I always wished some other, prettier deck than Rider Waite appealed to me reading-wise, but alas, I guess I'm an old fashioned girl. I did get one of the smaller, paint-it-yourself RW decks and had a great time using the colors I loved.

Lainey, I answered you over on Liz's post too, but I'd be curious to know if you, upon reading Liz's post, could insert your own name where it says "Verbal" and feel like she's been spying on you for the past few months. That's literally how it felt to me to read what she'd put together.

I understand that it probably sounds general/universal--so I'd be curious about whether it strongly applies to you and something going on in your life right now, too. (Or ANYBODY who's read it, to tell you the truth--in a thunderbolt-from-Zeus message kind of way).

The coven rituals/wishing really hard/the Secret/praying for G-d to "give" you something you want: I'd have to say fundamentally, yeah. It's all the same. (Only wiccan rituals also include food and dancing and candles and incense and wine! So, you know...BONUS! :-)

There's a reason I didn't continue with that practice; I had no more genuine faith in the ability of ten puny dancing humans to change the course of reality than one puny human praying to G-d, or fifty million when the asteroid's plummeting our way.
I love this whole thing, both your post and Liz's. Of course, now I want a reading, but don't worry. It will pass. hee

I could never consistently do Tarot cards. They were often more accurate than I liked. I mean, I'm sure it was a constructed story and all, but they meshed a little to well with the empath stuff. It was disconcerting.
Um, yeh, you already know about US Games Systems...Fascinatin' post. Your coven days sound like enjoyable witchery. (My Gram's were much more about Dark Forces...)
I could have told you about the overthinking thing cards or no cards. I know you, Woman! Thanks for the mention. I wish I was joining you Friday with hunky hubby.
Actually, there are many psychologists that are both astrologers and tarot readers, but the best one IMHO is Liz Greene. I have her deck of tarot cards and her book on interpretation. She is a deep, intellectual Jungian. It is all about the images as our own Liz knows very well.
Cool collaboration, VR. I used to have a deck in college, too, but I abandoned Tarot-reading when a friend became dependent on my readings. It wasn't just that I wanted to be loved for myself not my Tarot; my friend was quite ill and anxious. Her need, her questions, daunted me. But those decks are so beautiful I may get myself another again. Myths and magic and stories; they make life's challenges and contradictions tolerable. Rated.
JUNE 7, 2009 9:51PM

It’s All in the Cards

RATE: 42 Flag
Read Verbal Remedy's into post here.
Our own Verbal Remedy sent me a proposition.  She was getting reacquainted with some of her old tarot decks, and knowing I was a professional reader, she asked me to help her interpret a reading she’d done. Since it seemed to be not only fun but an interesting writing project to boot, I said yes.
I can and have done entire lectures about the origins of the tarot deck and how to properly use it.  The short answer as to where tarot comes from is that there is little to no difference between the historical origins of a tarot deck of 78 cards and the 52-card deck that you buy at the drugstore.  Tarot began as a 15thCentury card game based on trick-taking and trump cards, not unlike bridge. The images of the tarot deck are rich in symbolism, and work as a pictoral language, providing an alternative framework and perspective on your experiences that can be useful as you examine your life and your problems.  I explain to my clients that the reasons tarot “works” have as much to do with Jungian archetypes as any kind of magic.
To put it even more simply, I look at the pictures, and they tell me a story about my client.  The story is almost always correct. 
This is the spread that Verbal drew:

Verbal spread

A tarot reading usually occurs in the context of a “spread,” cards laid out in a certain pattern in response to a query. This is a basic “Celtic cross” spread, one of the first spreads that people learn when they first take up tarot. Usually, if someone does tarot, and he only knows one spread, this is the spread he knows. It’s a good, serviceable spread that can give a lot of information about where you are and where you might be headed.  I use a modified version of it with clients.  Which spread you use is important because where a card is in a spread carries as much meaning as the card itself.
The cards are laid in a certain order.  The cards Verbal laid out for herself are as follows:
Initial cross: The Fool and The Star
Below: Seven of Swords, reversed (upside down)
Behind: Justice
Above: Page of Swords, reversed
Before: Queen of Cups
The progression up the right side is four cards:
Lowest: Eight of Cups
Next: King of Swords
Next: The Emporer
Top: The Wheel of Fortune
With all of this basic information, you can begin to “read” what’s in front of you.
When I start a reading, the very first place I look is to the initial cross in the center of the spread.  This area represents the crux of whatever problem or issue Verbal is facing.  In the end all issues in our lives arise from the juxtaposition of two ideas or forces, and that is what represented in the initial cross. 
The Fool being crossed by The Star immediately suggested to me an issue of risk and vulnerability.  The Fool is the “wild child” of the tarot deck, representing that moment when one is totally free of responsibility, unencumbered by preconceived notions, at the start of a great adventure.  The Star is generically considered to be about hope.  But it’s more than that. The traditional image on the card is one of a woman, naked, alone in a field at night. She has nothing but two jugs of water with her and she is pouring both of those out on the ground.  She is completely vulnerable in every possible way.  But the card is not about her, it’s about the star above her, the guiding light that makes her feel safe despite her vulnerability.  The heart of Verbal’s dilemma has to do with some recent risks she’s been taking, and they have left her feeling very vulnerable.
It’s easy to see why when you look at the card beneath the initial cross, theSeven of Swords, reversed, and the one behind, Justice. Both cards are dealing with the issue of honesty.  Justice in the position behind the cross represents what has recently happened, the Seven below represents what I like to call “what’s driving the bus” – the things that are going on with Verbal that are making this such a problem for her.  Justice in the recent past means that probably Verbal has recently received some news or had a conversation with someone where she finally got the truth about things, a truth that may be hard, or not, but in any event is necessary.  With Justice, the truth is nothing personal, it is the notion that everyone should say what they mean and mean what they say. The Seven of Swords upright represents the notion of tricky-ness, doing things on the sly, going through the back door because the front way is not open to you.  Reversed, those kinds of tactics are really unavailable, or have been tried and are not working. 
The conclusion I reach looking at this is that the recent honesty with respect to this venture (my intuition says it may have something to do with her career and her writing) has been a little upsetting to Verbal because she was hoping to avoid the confrontation, and perhaps may have been in a little bit of denial as to exactly how vulnerable she was feeling, and exactly how risky this is.  Indeed, it is likely that Verbal has a history of avoiding confrontations, and those instances have not worked out for her, and her instinct to try and avoid what’s really happening here is strong in her.
The Page of Swords, reversed, above, suggests an added dimension around the issue, in that Verbal is probably having some trouble with both thoughts and words surrounding her interactions at this time.  She’s not got the clarity of purpose she wants, and in fact may be acting a little churlish, or dealing with childish behavior on the part of others.  There is a touch of unnecessary manufactured drama in this situation, which may be the result of Verbal’s own lack of purpose, or the result of others determined to get all into her business. If she hasn’t been watching her words, she should, and if others around her have been talking out of school they need to be encouraged to stop. My guess is that there is some “chatter” associated with her work, or that the people who she is working with are creating pressure on her, drama that ends up dragging her down and confusing her.
If I want some insight into what Verbal wants from this situation, her hopes or her fears, I take a look at the card just one from the top on the right hand column.  I usually look at this card about now to gauge what the client feels about the whole enterprise.  The Emperor, who occupies this spot, is the ultimate in masculine, traditional notions of power and control.  The Emperor and its female counterpart, the Empress, are between them the representation of worldly power.  The Empress is about the power of creation, the power to make from one’s own resources. The Emperor represents the power of fiat, the power to marshal others’ resources to your cause.  The Emperor in the “desire” section of the spread suggests that what Verbal really wants is the power to control, the power to merely say what she wants and have that be what happens, a cause that is frustrated not only by the sheer risk of her undertaking but also by the fact that she is not prepared to handle the raw truth of who and what she is dealing with.
Others are convinced that she is thinking herself into a hole.  This I know because the King of Swords is below The Emperor, occupying the section that represents what others are bringing to the party.  In this space, a card can represent what others are doing to the client, or what others think of what the client is doing.  In this case, having a face card here indicates either (a) a specific person who is causing all the trouble, or (b) this is how others see her. I’m choosing the latter because my intuition notices that with swords all over this reading, the underlying issue here is about thought, not action.  It’s what Verbal thinks about her problem that is causing her so much strife and anxiety. The King is about mastery of the element he represents, and often in this position represent a desire for mastery of the element that gets carried too far (particularly if the card is reversed).  The King of Swords never met a problem that he couldn’t think his way out of, or so he thinks.  It is both his greatest strength and greatest weakness. Because sometimes the answer to a problem isn’t using the intellect, it is using the heart.
And heart is precisely the kind of energy that is being sent Verbal’s way right now, courtesy of that Queen of Cups just to the right of the initial cross.  This position is about what energy is coming in the near future, say over the next three months. Of all the “court cards” in the deck, (“face cards” in a standard poker deck) the Queen of Cups is the most creative, the most nurturing, the most beautiful.  If Verbal is looking to do something creative, a project that requires the ability to make beautiful and wonderful things, the energy coming from the Queen will be most helpful. It may also be that there is someone she has just met or about to meet who is firing her creativity.  It is not necessarily a woman just because the card is a queen.  Queen of Cups is also associated with the astrological sign scorpio, and it may very well be a man who has the same qualities typically associated with that sign.  Either way, Verbal has the capacity to really nurture her creativity now.
But the road ahead at the moment is not necessarily without sacrifice.  At the bottom of the right hand column, the position that shows where Verbal will soon find herself, sits the Eight of Cups.  Eight of Cups is about that moment when one makes the hardest choice when it comes to love and emotional investment of any kind – the moment where you know you have invested yourself emotionally on a significant level, and yet you must still walk away from the object of your affection in order to become truly fulfilled.  Verbal’s risk is going to demand that she sacrifice something of great value to her, perhaps risk the entire enterprise by entrusting her creative product to someone over which she has no control, hoping they will do what is best with it.
The outcome card, the card at the top of the column, indicates that if Verbal was looking to “change her stars” with this venture, she’ll do so, though she might not have a significant level of control over exactly what her stars changeto.  The Wheel of Fortune is about the fact that life goes in cycles – sometimes we are up, lucky, feeling like we can take on the world.  Then something happens and we are low, best with trouble, fighting to stay afloat. And the fact of the matter is that we have no control over how the wheel turns. Our only hope is to learn to roll with the wheel as it turns, accepting that change is the only constant.  Verbal here is looking at an opportunity to really make changes, but even though she desperately wants to control how those changes transform her life, it’s really out of her hands.
The most important thing to remember about tarot is that it never shows you THE future, it shows you A future.  All of us are beings of free will, and we can choose how to apply our energy to achieve outcomes in our life.  I tell clients all the time that a good tarot spread will tell you where you are now, and based on the energy you are currently applying, where you will most likely end up.  If you don’t like where you are ending up, you can always change how you apply your energy and get a different result.  Consulting tarot actually provides a good opportunity to find out enough about where you are going to alter course if you need to. Many of my readings do not ultimately come to fruition, not because the readings are wrong, but because the client successfully alters their course of action to create a more desirable outcome.
So the bottom line for Verbal in the context of this reading is this:  Her search for control over what is happening with this new project of hers, this new venture, really is a fallacy.  She has the opportunity to pour out her creative energy, but the situation is going to demand that she give up a certain level of emotional attachment to her creation in order to really realize the changes she wants in her life.  The reason this is such a problem for her is largely because she can’t seem to get her brain to shut up.  She keeps looking for the clever solution, the right button to push that will guarantee the outcome she desires. But in the end there is no shortcut, and there is such a thing as being too clever for your own good.  She needs to stop taking her work so personally, and instead of using her intellect as a way to shoehorn herself into the right position, she needs to use her heart to honestly present herself and honestly advocate for herself on her own behalf. She has to realize that it is not her thoughts that make people like her work, or even like her.  It is her heart, her person, the authenticity of herself that she places in her work.




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I'll write out a thoughtful response to this in good time. What I want to say right here, right now, is what I said to you in the first email: I can see why you get paid good money to do this.


Seriously, seriously, dangerously, scarily spot on.
Wow- damn woman. That was fabulous! I've paid money for a less thoughtful read
Verbal, it was a pleasure, seriously. I really am interested in reading the response piece.

And HBean-Julie, thanks! Most people pay money for my readings. I did this one as a favor. I've been a professional for a few years now, and I can honestly say most of my clients have been happy.
Wow! Amazing reading.
Okay, Liz. You SCARE me. A lot. I hope you get a lot of business from this because you know people's business like nobody's business. That's all I'm saying.
Utterly fascinating! I'm looking forward to Verbal's longer response.
Really really interesting. I would love to hear what VR says next. I do believe in tarot, I do believe in tarot, I do believe in tarot.

So, are you going to start doing readings on OS???
part of me wants to find you and have you read my cards, but then again no.. i always end up in tears
What an amazingly in-depth reading, Liz. I can't wait to read Verbal's response to it. Are you interested in doing other long-distance readings? I'd love to have one done (for pay, of course.)
Shivaun, thanks so much, and thanks for coming by!

Cartouche, I don't like being scary....but if you say it is a good thing, I will trust you on that point.

Suzn, you and me both.

CBerg, I don't think I'm going to make a habit of posting readings. First off, it takes one hell of a person to be as vulnerable and open as Verbal is being, allowing her reading to be a matter of public record. I really have to take a moment here and seriously shout out to Verbal as to how cool she is for allowing her reading to be public. The cards dig up a hell of a lot of stuff and the willingness to allow that to come out is rare. My guess is I couldn't publish many clients' readings even if I wanted to.

The other thing is that while someday I do think i want to write more about reading tarot, I don't think I want to actually use this space for readings. This was a lovely experiment, and I am grateful for it, but I don't think it will become a regular thing on OS for me.

Barbara anne, so many people are scared, and there's never a reason to be....and please don't cry....

Lisa, contact me via PM and we can work out details.
Holy crap. I had no idea – about the real world of Tarot cards. If not for your intelligent description, I’d never have known. Thank you. Very cool.

I'd like to see posts from you explaining your philosophy and approach to the cards, will add you to favorites so I don't miss anything
Hi Liz! This is freaky. I had no idea you do readings. I've never had a reading and I read Verbal's post first and I think it could have been a mistake, but I am still skeptical about all of this.
Seems that regardless of the cards, the reader's interpretation is what matters, so you could have a wide variety of answers with the same placement of the same cards. Or am I just crazy?
I no nothing about Tarot reading but now I do. Liz, I've known for awhile that you do this so because of my high appraisal of you as a human being, and a person with an incredibly logical mind, my uneducated views of Tarot reading changed. This post only confirms that. And hats off to Verbal for allowing us to get such a personal glimpse into her reading.
WOW! Like Julie, I've paid a lot for much, much worse! Me next, me next!!!

Thanks to both of you for sharing this!
Fascinating. I was a total non-believer/antagonist to tarot and intuitive readings until my (now) wife did a few for me. First it freaked me out. Now, I'm more inclined to listen to my intiution as well as hers. Good luck, Verbal - we're pulling for you!
Your reading is so much more...encompassing than others. I'm sure Verbal appreciates it, as well as will use it to her advantage where she can.

Liz-As Verbal's mom/long distance friend, I have been receiving "vibes" for some time. This is astounding. You really nailed the complex fusion of her astute intellect and authentic heart, that in my opinion, often pull at her psyche with equal weight. Off to read VR's response. You have a gift.
Wow, Liz, what a rich and detailed reading. Thank you for the hard work of typing that all out - it was really fascinating. I'm off now to see what Verbal wrote!
I was lucky enough to get a reading from Liz after enjoying a presentation she recently gave. I'm convinced Liz could be a psychologist (Liz was actually once a lawyer)–I half-jokingly suggested she at least begin writing an OS gossip column, she reads people so well! (btw, Liz does readings over the phone)
This is so fascinating! I'm curious, and I mean no disrespect but I really am clueless: what do you believe "guides you" when you do the readings? Thanks for the insite!
David, thanks. It is my hope that I can bring that perspective to tarot. There are a lot of charlatans and "woo-woo" types who turn tarot in to things it isn't, and scare people away from it.

Roy, thanks for stopping by! I will probably do aoms posts like you descibe, dealing with some topics in tarot. I don't think I'll do any more readings, but I'm happy to include more stuff on reading soon.

livemonster, if you really want a reading, contact me off list and we'll make arrangements.

Michael, I agree to a point. Certainly two readers can look at the same spread and draw different things from it. But there are some things that are universal, and I do think that the cards that you pull are no accident.

MaryT, there are tons of misconceptions about tarot, and plenty of people who trade off of those misconceptions. I'm glad to help folks understand more about what tarot is and isn't capable of.

Ann, again, if you want to, contact me off list...Thanks!

Owl-- I think you make an excellent point. The understanding that sometimes we know things by intuition does not require the belief in a divinity is something a lot of people don't get. Reason does not necessary lead to omniscience. Sometimes reason needs a helping hand.

Buffy, Mothership, Silkstone, thanks!

Bob, actually, it's about reading the cards, not reading people. I have never met Verbal, and she didn't tell me anything about herself or what she was doing when I did the reading, and she requested a general reading. There really wasn't an opportunity to "read" Verbal as a person. Make no mistake, there are some readers who do read the person and not the cards, but this is not considered ethical. I fight that tendency in readings. Although it is quite a compliment that you see that ability in me.

bluesurly -- thanks for stopping by! I hate the word "psychic" -- it's so overused that it has lost its meaning and makes people nervous. I have and use intuition to guide my reading, the kind of natural intuition that everyone has, and that is highly developed in people who get the label "psychic." I don't ascribe any special powers to myself, and I don't encourage others to do so either.
Updated the end of my post with my reactions--nothing terribly deep or insightful, more reportage. :-)
I always find this interesting but baffling. the one time I had a reading done was at a party and the cards came up marriage marriage marriage for me, which made no sense because I wasn't getting married, didn't know anyone getting married. the lady doing the reading did another reading and everything came up marriage marriage marriage again. the cards weren't exactly the same or in the same order, but the message was the same? I don't know how this works. This was about 10 years ago. No one got married, but it was weird that the cards said the same thing.
Very cool. Love you explanation. I was wondering about all those swords--I hadn't ever just associated them with "thought" vs. "heart." Now swords make much more sense to me.

This was a great post! (over to Verbal's now....)
I don't get it. I hope you'll bear with my skepticism a bit while I try to sort it all out. I know nothing about tarot cards. I don't think you explained how each card got to its place there on the table. Did V just shuffle a deck and lay them out in a certain order? Does every deck look the same (the way a regular deck of cards does?) And how does a random placement of cards (if indeed it is random) suggest a representation of anybody's life? I mean, how is this different from the magical thinking of kids who think things like, "If I see a red car next, I'm going to have a good day" or something like that? I'm really asking.
Dang, I wish I'd had you as my teacher when I learned to read 20 years ago. You make it so clear and simple!

I read your 2008 post and it made me think of a time when I was reading at a party a thousand years ago and some guy told me that if I was really good, I wouldn't need a deck as a crutch. Sigh. Guess I've always been a little lazy that way. Ha!

Lainey, yes. I shuffled my favorite deck several times, making sure to turn half the cards upside-down with each new cut. Then I simply turned the cards over in that order (the center, the cross, below, behind, etc.)

I took a picture of the spread and sent it to Liz.

All decks look different (see my post for some wide variances); most have the same cards or card-equivalent, but not all. The Voyager deck is one exception I can think of off the top of my head that goes in a whole different direction.

How does it differ from thinking you'll have a good day if you see a red car? I don't know Liz's answer. And mine is, "I really honestly can't tell you how the mechanics of card selection and layout work, beyond random chance. Not a bloody clue. Regardless, this was a scary-accurate reading."
Someone needs to read my tarot cuz I have been waiting for my green card for 8 years. I'm so sick of it!! I need to know! Seriously!!!
For me, the most important line in this whole piece is: the reasons tarot “works” have as much to do with Jungian archetypes as any kind of magic.

That said, I expected nothing less than the thoughtful, astute and eloquent reading you gave here, Liz. Your place in my personal firmament has long been fixed, and with this post it just shines ever brighter.
Interesting! If "the cards that you pull are no accident," would you pull the same cards during a second reading only minutes after the first? If not, are both readings just as accurate? What about a third reading in a row? A fourth? If one has 20 tarot readings in a row, will each be as accurate as the others? If so, that's really interesting! I'd love to see what that.
Marcel, sometimes readers who are less talented with the cards will not see nuances. Everything is about one thing. It's like those folks who've only heard spanish tapes and the only conversation they are capable of having is saying, "Mas cerveza, por favor."

WoPaddle, the suits in tarot have a lot of subtlety and nuance to them. A lot of people who only work with the major arcana miss out on the fact that the suited cards can provide so much to a reading.

And yet, thanks!

Lainey, I'm not offended by questions or skepticism. I think healthy minds ask questions and question answers. For a deck to be called a "tarot" deck it will usually have a certain structure, 22 major arcana or "trumps", four suits, running from ace to king with four face cards. Historically speaking, there have been variations on what some cards are called among the trumps, and what order the cards are in, but by and large the basic structure is preserved. There are other decks out there that are used for divination that are not proper tarot decks. Most tarot decks are variations on the Rider Waite pack, developed by Arthur Edward Waite in 1910.

Verbal did lay out the cards after shuffling. There are a number of ways to do spreads, and you can even make up a spread or work without a particular spread if you choose. The cards in the spread create a network of symbols, that work together to stimulate connections and ideas. Are the cards random? Personally, I think you end up getting the cards you need to see. But one could certainly make the case that nearly any cards you pulled up could be made to work and be meaningful in a reading. Whatever the answer (and i do not know for a certainty what the answer is), both would still make the deck useful for finding insight on your life. Does that help Lainey, or am I being too obtuse?

BeesTone, the deck isn't really a crutch so much as a tool. Would anyone really suggest that DaVinci would be a better painter if only he didn't use a brush? And you know, there's always time to have a teacher.... :)

Juli, thanks!

ZBitch, if you want a reading, contact me offline and we can make arrangements.

Lonnie, my dear friend, thanks. I love you too.

Michael, I have done back to back readings on the same question, and what I find is that the very same cards don't come up. But you will see repeating themes, and certain cards DO repeat, sometimes in an uncanny way. I don't think I've ever seen two back to back readings on the same question give opposite, incompatible results. But I am not foolish enough to declare that such things never happen (because after all, I do not know and have not seen everything in this world.)
Thanks for replying. I know, no matter how sincere and no matter how much I tried to be respectful, my questions were skeptical. I imagine it gets tiresome when someone expects you to convince them. So thanks for the considerate response. Still can't say I see the difference between this and a "cold read," but all we each can do is remain curious and open to understanding the truth. Peace, Michael
Most intriguing...
Okay, I really wish I remember what you told me, damned wicked sauce.
Very interesting reading -- I am thrilled to come back to find you writing about Tarot!. Before I read your interpretaion, I tried to find my impressions of the cards, but I like yours much better.

My read was that Verbal has the opportunity to bring a bounty of love and /or make money to fill a void (or voids) in her life (inverted Page of Swords, Seven of Swords, Eight of Cups) by taking a new life path in conjunction with a man/traditionally masculine pursuit (swords) with a person who might also be an intelligent or powerful friend and/or lover (Emporer, King of Swords). Pursuing this endeavour would not be without guilt, but in the end ushers in a new beginning (Fool and Wheel of Fortune).

Verbal, what are you up to??!!

Liz, of course, yours is a much better, more indepth reading -- I want a reading, too! :)
Fascinating, would that you were close enough to have my own reading! Thanks to you both for this extraordinary collaboration. Rated.

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