Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I Get Tired Just Reading Your Personal Ad

Image: www.liontaming.com. Really.
Running! Jumping! Boot Camp! Long-distance bicycling! Extreme weightlifting! Wall climbing!  Surfing! Sailing! Volleyball! Bungee jumping!  Paintball! Competitive log splitting! Elk wrestling!
Dear god.
Do single people my age really live this way?
I think I need a drink.

See, Eventual-Ex-Mr.-Remedy and I were hanging out on the sofa last night, sipping at our respective nightcaps, watching the dog chase flies, half-ignoring something-or-other on TiVo, discussing Match.com.
We've both browsed lately. And we're both...kinda...scared.
Because if these people really are out there living the lives they're describing in their profiles, there may be an oversupply of adrenaline in the water. Or something.
On the human energy continuum (which in my mind runs from Garden Slug to Crazed Spastic Weasel), I'm somewhere around a three-toed sloth. (One day I might attempt to go as high as four-toed sloth, but I hear that takes real effort.) J's more a shade-resting coyote.
I am constitutionally disinclined to excessive motion. Call me naturally Energy-Star compliant, but the reason sofa cushions are so soft and seductive? (See?[pat pat patCushy.) It's because they were made to sink into...and keep you there.
And hey! What do you know? The sofa is conveniently located right next to the shelf where my MacBook lives, which is nice, because with this deviously clever setup, I don't actually need to get up and walk into another room to see what all of my invisible friends are up to on Facebook and OS. Yep. It's a pretty sweet arrangement.  
On the other hand, Soon-To-Be-Former-Mr.-Remedy is a lot more active than I am. He's a consistent do-er, a maker of things, a lawn trimmer, hedge whacker, beer brewer, motorcycle tinkerer, and basically an all-around fidgety, nervous-energy, gotta-be-doing-something-all-the-time kinda guy. (Well, at least until darkness falls and the fruits of the beer-brewing are poured. Wait--did I just magically turn beer into a fruit? Cool. Writing is magic. Five servings a day, kittens...)
What I'm saying is, if he's saying he gets exhausted reading his hypothetical matches' profiles, it's actually serious.

Now, where were we? Oh, yes, we were in the TV room, talking about not looking forward to having to pretend to enjoy keeping up with somebody who spends every spare, non-working moment hiking, salsa dancing, snake charming, hot air ballooning, baking their own adobe bricks (from which to eventually construct the desert hut, which will serve as a base of operations during dune buggy season), and so forth.
These are SO not my peeps.
I'm never going to be the kind of  woman who gets excited about strapping on a 25-lb. backpack and walking uphill for 15 miles. (Hell, I just lost 25 lbs. Why would I want to put it back on again, even temporarily?) My hobbies are pretty much limited to reading, writing, napping, cooking, Netflixing, photographing, and refining my Pandora selections. And I'm OK with that.
But it may prove to be a wee problem down the road a bit. When it's time to escape the gravity field of the sofa and get out there.
As we refilled our glasses with a truly tasty homebrew, we proceeded to the next round of groans and ughs--The Plague of The Profile Cliche.
But that's a whole 'nother discussion entirely.




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I dated a crazed spastic weasel once. She said I was too sarcastic. R.
Let me know if you set up a polyandry commune VR...I'd like to apply.
Ah yes, I remember searching Match.com and dating some real duds until I met Ms. Sheepdog there. There is much chaff and few kernels. It is not for the feint of heart. It's a helluva a way to look for a soulmate, but what's the alternative? Everyone on eHarmony looks like they're sister and brother, and they probably are. Hire a yenta (matchmaker)? Hang out in bars? Have a Certs encounter(this is going back to the 80s)? For fun you should as the OS community to write you Match.com ad.

I hope you and the STBX find what you're looking for. As Rodney Dangerfield said in "Back to School" 'It 's a jungle out there!"

See, Sheepy, the thing is, Soon-To-Be-Not-Mr.-Remedy and I met on Match.com. Back then, the ads didn't seem so...DESPERATELY ACTIVE. If that makes any sense. Of course, we were in our mid-thirties then. That's pre-cougar for women, post-playboy for men...sort of a lull in life, I guess.

Oh dear god. I am potentially a cougar.

Con, YOU!? Sarcastic! Say it ain't so! :-) [The emoticon is to piss off Blumenthal]

Barry, my dear, you're welcome at Friday Night Church Services anytime. That's about as close to a polyandrous commune as I'm ever gonna get, probably.
I wish you wouldn't make fun of my ad. It's the only thing I've got going for me.
I think a lot of people write about things they would like to do--not necessarily what they really do.
Good luck!
So relate to this! People constantly confuse me for somebody who is energetic and peppy, of which I am neither. I want a good book and a glass of wine and stop expecting me to go non-stop until 11pm. What is wrong with these people?! Where they are getting their adrenaline supply? I don't know. But I don't want any. God, who's a girl got to f*** to get some rest around here?!
My own personal add would say 'looking for amiable couch potato whose idea of exercise is walking to the Starbucks on the corner.'

There are lots of things I like to do. None of which involve hiking in any way, shape or form.

Funny post! rated.
Holy shit! I had no idea.

If you're into photography, how come I haven't seen any of your pics?

C'mon, pony up with a few.

For you (it was the only one I could find):

I disqualified the person in the ad/profile immediately fpor excessive use of exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I once palced a personal ad that read: Good for nothing SWM lay-about seeks young SWF go-getter to work like a dog while I do nothing all day.

I got some really good responses. It was the honesty that drew them to the my ad. Until, they realize I lied.
Is Drew Barrymore on or off with the MacDude? (iDude?)

Perhaps you should troll Mac stores?

Perhaps I should shut up.

(thumbified for "putting yourself out there" without, you know... actually going out there. I wouldn't! Wow. This is why I couldn't date.)
As one who was rejected by eharmony, I think you should just adopt a dog. Not a terrier. Some kind of lazy dog (like my Russian Sheepdog) who is only good for about 4 short blocks and then ready for a nap.

On match.com I think I mentioned some obscure, but very wonderful author like Paolo Coelho -- consequently never received a hit.
This is inducing PreTSD, I swear. My world is still too complicated to even think . . . ::sigh::
FUNNY! But you have a soon to be Not-Mr.-Verbal? Perhaps you should take applications on OS.
Since you already met a hubby on match it must work. I suspect there are lots of folks who would adore a more cerebral, sensous type to a go-getter. I've walked this walk and am so relieved to be off the treadmill. That said, it's an exciting challenge which will grab your time like nothing else except maybe OS.
embrace your cougarness! or your almost-cougarness!

too bad you can't search profiles for all offensive words -- backpack, hiking, outdoor, etc. -- and trim the list of potentials. although reading those *is* sort of horrifyingly funny.

let's go have a gimlet, K?
Goddamn it, the only reason I even got into lion taming in the first place is because I was told chicks would dig it...
Made me Google Pandora. Haven't exerted myself that much in months.
@ OESheepdog ... And as Rodney Dangerfield also said in "Back To School," See me when you got no class," which is my favorite line, and exactly what I look for in a woman (that she's old enough to be out of school).

@ Verbal ... Most profiles are bogus ... the pix, the backgorund, their likes ... maybe more like their wish list than their activity list, and in all likelihood, only things they may want to try once ... maybe. Problem is, you can't meet personality on a dating site. I say, go where people like you hang out ... for me, that's a bar; they come in all sizes and shapes ... sport's, biker, yuppie, etc. i like easy going, middle class places; music, but not hard shit or RAP and where people like to look good, not like slobs. But that's just me. Personally, I'd never want to date a woman who didn't drink. The more she drinks, the better I look. And once you decide your path, you should have no trouble at all.
I'm exactly the same way. Unless you count walking through the grass that may or may not have been mowed all the way down to the pool to lay out actual activity.

I'd like to go on a date with one of them just to call their bluff - no one's that active. No one.
You have a 1) Soon-To-Be-Not-Mr.-Remedy and I have 2) an already ex-Mr. trilogy...maybe we could swap. That would save us all a lot of trouble and lies and fees, etc. How about an OS "Match" "Swap" thing? Oye that is getting to sound a little too kinky.
I'm really very sorry that you have a soon to be ex- VR. It sounds like it should have worked out, but you know much better than I. It sounds like my wife #2. I wish you scads of fantastic luck in the future. And didn't you recently downsize? If so, that goes a long way towards explaining things.

Anyway, you don't need a ONL fuddyduddy explaining things to you about life. A great post, and rated.
I've been out of that for 5 years now. Ever since my wife and I found one another via Craigslist.
I think I may be related to Superman because my energy comes from the sun. If the sun comes up, I'm up and ready to do stuff. If it doesn't, I want to stay in bed.
ps -- Thanks for the reminder about Pandora.
I've been ordered by my doctor to avoid any strenuous activities. Really. Thank God I found Sami.

And you reminded me of a comment that David Herman made in a commentary on Office Space, "It was something the woman who was to be my ex-wife said." (He was recounting the story of "ass-clown".)
Yes, what spotted_mind said. I was friends with someone online for years before I met her in person. Years later, she told me she was stunned to find out I was NOT a neat-freak. See, she'd always ask about plans for the weekend, and I'd always say "cleaning". What she didn't realize was that my PLANS never actually got IMPLEMENTED.
Well, Darlin", Once again we've proven it's definately NATURE over NURTURE. I spent days, I tell you... days...trying to come up with varied, convincing, creative excuses for getting out of H.S. gym classes (usually unsuccessfully) and my physical energy level has steadily dropped during the intervening decades. My personal exercise philosophy: No pain...NO pain! :0)
You next guy will be exhausted just keeping up with your brilliantly funny, creative mind...
Great piece! I met the two guys I dated for awhile (five months and a year-and-a-half) via the Internet. Of course there were another ten or so first dates/meetings that went nowhere or could best be used as fodder for a blog... it's a jungle out there and I'm hoping to avoid it.
Someone mentioned hanging out where "your type" hangs out.... Given your handle of "Verbal Remedy", you might be interested in "National Novel Writing Month". November 1-30. Many regions throw kick-off parties, and half-way parties, and Thank Ganesh It's Over parties. Lots of word-lover types, hanging out, putting words together.
Energy Star compliant? You are so green! Green is so in these days! If you put that in your ad you will get soooo many dates!
I am so with you. About a decade back I told one of these activity junkies that what I planned to do in my retirement was to watch one movie a day that I hadn't yet gotten around to watching and reading books I have never gotten to read. He thought that i was absolutely insane; I thought that it sounded like bliss.
Bill S., If you look over there on the left, under "OS MEMES," you'll find "6 Pretty Things for Susan." Also "No Words." I haven't actually shot anything worth posting in...well, a really long time. I'll listen to the song when I'm not behind a firewall...

Tom! Oh, I know! Especially the ones that say they don't know what to say! Cuz they've never done this before!

Trudge, I've considered honest headlines like "Vaguely Neurotic Double Divorcee Seeks Bad Boy Type For Passionate Unstable Long-Term Mindfuck." (This would be objectively DESCRIPTIVE of some of those Great Lost Loves...but not, oddly enough, the two marriages.)

Trolling Mac stores is one of the better ideas I've heard in a long time, Jodi. ;-) (Take THAT emoticon, Blumy!)

I've got a dog, skeletn. He'll be staying with Daddy, but I have weekly visitation on Friday nights. Obscure actors, eh? Taking notes.

Owl, I'd never heard PreTSD but I like it. You take good care of yourself. Hang out with the boys.

C, yes, we're shaking hands and saying "thanks," but I'm not into applications just yet. Gotta get moved and settled down first.

Lea, I'd rather stick to OS if that's alright with you. :-) [kaPOW, Blum.]

femme forte, my list of potential matches is ALREADY in the double digits, what with a couple of my non-negotiables being children (none) and religion (none). If I also excluded Active Go Getters, my sole remaining potentials would be, like, LSD-damaged hippie freaks, or something!

Heh, shaggy. The ACME School of Lion Taming has taken down many a good man with that bill of goods.

Stacey, hope you enjoy Pandora. It brings me hours of joy each month.

I hear Loitering is being considered for the Olympic games in '16, Stellaa.

UK, singles ads are the ULTIMATE Secreting! You get to spell out exactly what you (think you) want, and they get to do the same, and then your profiles go through a quantum leap inside a database and BAM! It's reality! (Or that's how it works a lot of the time. I've heard.)

God help us all, Rod, if the pix are fake. Many of them are just one or two steps above Nick Nolte mugshots, quality-wise.

Julie, I'll join you at the pool if there's a pool boy. And margaritas. With salt.

Trilogy, yeah...that sounds a bit kinky to me!

ONL, thanks, but it's OK. There are a lot worse things that can come out of a marriage than friends. I feel relatively blessed, all things considred. The downsizing is related and will happen early in the New Year.

Walter, the Craigslistings here just SCARE me. Seriously. SCARE. And I'm not even talking about the ones that include pictures of...the, uh. Standard equipment.

JK, I am totally with you on the laundry thing.

Gwen, yep, I am somewhat solar powered as well. But only in the morning. Once the sun goes down I have another good 8 -10 hours in me.

I think I should try to get over my aversion to Office Space, Doug M.

Laugh, catnmus. Yeah, I PLAN lotsa stuff, too. :-) [a left hook to Blumenthal!]

Mothership, I fear the next time we hang out together we may just melt into the furniture, limp and shapeless, like those boneless chickens in "The Far Side."

mginmn, I kid the Internet, of course, because I love it. There's no better way to weed through the immediate "absolutely nots," at least not one I've found. The "Maybe" pile could be bigger, though...

Green doesn't sell to guys as much as it does to women, mamoore...then again, I'd be lying if I said I were any more "environmentalist" than your average recycler.

Teresa, that sounds like MY idea of bliss, too!
Maybe you could post an ad that talks about about your enormous collection of books, your endurance reading skills, your extreme essay writing, your mastery of the keyboard, your speed and accuracy with comments, and suchlike intimidating abilities.
You just lost 25 pounds? you must be on what Elayne Boosler calls the "New Men Are Going to See Me Naked Diet".

Remember that people lie about 90% of what they put in personal ads. And they fib about the rest.
I think many folks on those sights spend alot of money for "profile surrogates." I wanted to really research it further but I'm late for my hang-gliding class...
My ad (and it was in the Reader---which you'll probably remember, was before on line) was a bit off the beaten path. I think I wrote something like, "Looking for an old soul who knows all the words to "I Got You Babe," would like talking about her favorite resident of Mayberry, and is prone to excesses of various sorts." This was after the first try at being married. I got about 50 responses, went out with only one more than once. She had a glass eye and at the end, told various people I had suffered a heart attack in Dallas and died. True story.

Why did I see her more than once?

She also told me she was a writer. . . . . .
I think they all lie! They must since this rocking chair I sit in with my mini computer bucks me out once in a while and that is more than enough exercise for one day.
I'm so shaken up by this post I can barely type...if you're a cougar what the hell am I? Oh crap!

So I do need to thank you for this post, though I am not in the market right now, there may come a day :) That was for Blumey too. I can just follow behind you and see if any crumbs fall by the wayside.

I'm back in the gym trying to find the muscle tone I lost the past few months sitting around wringing my hands...and I think they said I should find it in a few months, if I come everyday. Groan.

I'm pretty darn sure I won't be strapping on anything...and I don't lift much of anything heavier than a martini.

This is more depressing VR...but hey, let's have a drink and troll sometime, at least we can make each other laugh.
I have always found the exceedingly self-actualized to be utterly exhausting. Hilarious post, my dear!
You have a great sense of humor, is that too much of a Match.com cliche?? Congrats on EP too..
I have, at least for now, given up on online dating. (maybe on dating entirely) I will just try to keep busy (but not too busy) enough so that, if as a nice side effect I meet someone with similar interests, great. There are so many toads out there.
I do community service stuff, but I am like you in that I do not care to hike, salsa dance, blah blah blah. Can't anyone just like to read and rest?
I have very similar hobbies to you. My idea of exercise is playing golf... with a cart. Funny and nice post. Is it odd to have this conversation with the future ex-Mr. VR? You may redefine amicable. (Rated)
...I do laundry

for all the good its done me...
I am a total sloth. So is my boyfriend. We met on match.com. Most of them are exagerating...
Sigh... relationships. Of course you and I would never get along. It would be a constant fight over the comfy couch.
Oh, who get's Dax?
AND, I love it when you call us kittens...
I remember these ads from when I was single, VR. Don't these people ever rest? One guy lost interest in me fast when I indicated that I wasn't the kind of "gal" who thought getting up at 4 a.m. on Saturday to go kayaking in the cold winter rain was a "fun" thing to do. Too bad so sad. I'd much rather stay up until 4 a.m. :)
Those dating sites can be very scary at times, most of the time. I gave up on them along time ago, decided that I could find the same psycho on the street if I choose too. The vow of Nun hood always sounded good to me too, and has crossed my mind before, to bad I am not catholic.
Great post and great tag too...
sympathize, but I must have missed a detail beneath the euphemisms or maybe I need to go back & read your blog. apparently you are getting a divorce and comparing dating notes with your soon-to-be-ex-husband while still living with him. now surely that unorthodox arrangement alone deserves a post.
emmapeel says she doesnt like to kayak on a date... I wonder what she DOES like.... a punctuation critique party? :p
vzn... get some help
Don't worry, they're all lying. Okay, you can worry about that fact that they are all lying.
Roger, we are, in fact, aiming to redefine amicable. The root of the word is Latin for friend, and we are absolutely, definitely friends. The conversation was actually funny, believe it or not, because, duh, we share the same peeves. :-)

vzn, if you ask me, there should be a lot more unorthodox uncouplings. The dramatic, nasty, vindictive kind has been done to death. Don'tcha think?
I've never even visited a dating site before. If I can't lie to peoples faces, I'm just not interested. Lying online takes all the fun out of it. NO danger, no intrigue.
I'm with bbd. I want in on the polyandry commune, too.
Damn Verbal, why can't you be into women...
I'm loving this post! The pic is cool, too.
Loved it!

Someone mentioned lion taming. I cracked up imagining that in a personal ad. (Rated big time)
You just need to meet me in a lobby of a hotel in Vegas, Chicago or London honey and life will change for you in a New York Minute. Remember Roy...?
Could it be all that frenetic activity is to divert themselves from that loneliness driving them to find a match on-line. I am more active lively alone largely because I do not have a reason to sit comfortably on a couch enjoying the company of another.

Taming a lion might be a way to interact with another, but it may not be the profiler's first choice.

But? Sitting on a couch half watching Tivo with a close companion? Yeah. Sign me up.

Until then I will Kayak, roller blade, jog, bike, hike, and hit the elliptical machine.
"My name is Verbal Remedy, and I'm cerebral."

See how that works.
Most of the things people say they are into are things they tried once, said they were going to do again, and then went back to the couch.
So...can I learn from you? My match.com ad would be very VERY odd indeed....

What a Wonderful World! Obsequious , lonely souls the lot... My ex is venturing down this path, I wish her, and all who lose/find themselves broken, the best... Makes you wonder, with all that energy, why ya' here? Funny stuff... Maybe OS dating service is the next big thang...
Does Salon personals still exist? Maybe there would at least be better ads, if not better men.
Excellent post and you surely hit a nerve. Hmm, rating of 71 (including mine) - yep, you hit a nerve!
it can be hell out there
Loved the post, laughed at your good humor (especially the 25 lb backpack part), but mainly so impressed that you and your future ex are such great friends as to be able to talk about all of this. That speaks volumes about both of you as people.
Here's why guys say that stuff --

* it could be true, but the guys for whom it is true generally think twice about saying it. I actually like to hike ... carrying a lot more than 25 lbs ... but very few women do and you generally scare the crap out of most women by suggesting ... you know, no toilet, no hot water, bad food...

* A lot of it may not be true, so why are they saying these things? I think it's a mix of hoping that you'll think that extra 25 lbs of spare tire they carry "matters less" (It's a standard male lie to one's self to look in the mirror and say "but I can still do 20 miles with a heavy pack" ... when they can't anymore) ... and

* Gee, they'd really love to find a woman who would be happy drinking hot cocoa made from a packet ... walking in the rain.

It's a guy thing ... what can I say. Now can you tell me why so many women put DANCING as their main interest? It's truly unbelievable. Do you know how many guys dance?

I have been trying to parse this one for a long time... the closest I can come is that old joke that goes:

"Why are baptists against sex standing up? ...... Might lead to dancing."

Is "dancing" intended as this innuendo? I don't think so, but if so, guys don't get it.

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